Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hope Over Fear

I am both proud and awestruck by President Obama's words yesterday. I am very hopeful as I read and re-read the words of his Inaugural Address. And even though, according to The Economist, Obama has an 80% global approval rating, he only recieved 53% of our votes.

While I feel inspired to write about many aspects of my experience of the Inauguration and the state of the world, what I'm drawn to explore today are the dynamics of duality. There are examples of extreme polarity and duality every where we look. Night and day, black and white, republican and democrat, Christians and Muslims, and hope versus fear.

It is easy to be caught up in an "us versus them" mentality. As soon as we draw a line in the sand to discriminate self from other, we begin building a wall which impedes connection, understanding, and collaboration. We inherit these walls from our families and communities, often without question. The gap of fear and distrust between Christians and Muslims, for example, is said to go all the way back to the falling out of two brothers, Cain and Abel. With the descendants of Cain becoming today's Muslims and the descendants of Abel becoming today's Christians.

Overcoming the walls of our own judements and discriminations requires an expansion of consciousness. To put it another way, in order to see beyond the walls of my own self I must become aware of that which is not-self. I must not only become aware that which feels alien to me, but I must also begin to find some basis for connecting with or understanding something or someone that is on the other side of the fortress that is my paradigm.

How exactly, then, do we choose Hope Over Fear? President Obama spoke at length over this, and I believe that the responsibility for meaningful transformation belongs to each individual.

We are witnessing the decay and demise of all the major systems on the planet, including the global economy, education, human health and wellbeing, society, and every ecosystem on earth. To a systems thinker, the failures of these interdependent systems provide valuable feedback that a course correction is needed. In Chaos Theory, turbulence precedes a jump to a new level of order. The turbulence itself is caused by a rapid and chaotic oscillation between two poles in the trajectory of a system.

I think it's worth taking a minute to break this concept down for you. A trajectory is simply the direction in which the energy of the system is moving. If you're walking north on a hiking trail then the path you've walked is your trajectory. When you come to a fork in the trail you're faced with choosing east or west. Until you lock-in on one choice, your energy waffles back and forth between east and west. Those moments of indecision don't cause too much discomfort when you are just hiking... but when an entire nation is waffling back and forth between republicans and democrats every 4-8 years, there is considerable turbulence. Each time the pendulum shifts "we" feel hopeful and optimistic while "they" feel fearful and afraid.

Case in point: last October I received a widely forwarded email which claimed that Obama was the anti-christ. There are good and honest people out there in the world who are truly afraid that this election heralds the end of days and that we will soon experience a full blown apocalypse. Interestingly enough, I recall that a number of Gore supporters had the same judgements and fears when Bush was elected.

While I am clearly a democrat and am most certainly feeling much more hopeful about the world today than I have in the past several years, it's useless for half of the country to feel hopeful if the other half is fearful. It only causes more turbulence.

Therefore, any one of us who truly wants to make a difference in the world, and who truly want to achieve world peace, must begin to tear down the walls of our judgements. We must cease to define others by how they differ from us. We must seek always to connect with and understand anything and anyone which feels alien, foreign, or threatening.

If you are a democrat, please reach out to your republican neighbors. Begin by sharing a meal together, not by lecturing or brow-beating. Spend time appreciating the things you have in common - loving your children, working hard, doing the right thing, and faith in something higher than the self. This is one thing you can do to work for peace. This is how we choose hope over fear. We cannot afford otherwise.

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