Monday, March 23, 2009

Creation or Destruction?

The world is transforming. Which is more important, creation or destruction? We're witnessing the collapse of several major corporations, organizations, economies, environments, ecosystems, etc.

Should we focus on the destruction we are witnessing? Should we try to mitigate, bail out, or slow down the crumble? OR should we focus on creating something new?

Any time I discover an either or question I attempt to answer it with "both". It's because I'm tired of the black and white polarity and duality of everything. I'm ready for grey areas... I'm ready for much less certainty and much more flexibility.

I just found someone else's answer to this question of Creation or Destruction... Otto Scharmer seems to be answering the question with "both" as well:

"The rise of the social space of emergence and creation is connected to the dying and transformation of (the) social space of destruction." (2007: page 45)

We can't create the world in an entirely new, healthy, and functional way unless we allow for the dysfunctional systems to collapse. We must balance our impulse to create with our acceptance of destruction.

The next question would be how to find this balance without becoming fearful. Stay tuned. As I explore this in my own transformative adventure I'll share what I discover.

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