Saturday, February 28, 2009

A Time of Extraordinary Change

I feel we're in a time of unprecidented change. My mom maintains that as every generation claims it's adult-hood it has the feeling that things are more intense and crucial than ever before. That makes sense to me, however, this seems different.

There are many stories and beliefs out there to describe what is happening on the earth today. Some people talk about Global Climate Change, some talk about the Apocalypse and the return of Jesus, some talk about 2012, some talk about Mayan or Hopi prophecies, some focus on the reality of economic recession. To me it doesn't so much matter whether we agree on WHY we're going through big changes, but rather that we learn to cooperate and support one another during the transformation.

What story do you tell yourself to explain your present experience of the world?

Every religion and spirituality I'm aware of teaches that it's right to love and share. Yet we still allow fear of other to create exceptions. "Love your neighbor, unless he's different, then you should nuke him." I don't feel like there's time for this any more. In these times of extraordinary change, we must count on the kindness of strangers in order to weather the storm.

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